
Minnesota Recovery Connection (MRC)’s mission is to strengthen the recovery community through peer-to-peer support, public education, and advocacy.

Recovery Cafe Frogtown

Our Cafe’s Mission

We are a community of individuals who have been traumatized by homelessness, addiction, and other mental health challenges. We believe everyone needs to know that they are loved and have gifts to share. We support the development of the mind, body, and spirit of individuals desiring recovery. By creating a community committed to love, support, community, and inclusion. We provide an environment that will support recovery.

We thrive to implement equity,
trauma-informed healing, family stability, and self-sufficiency.


Through a connected community, members will sustain long-term recovery. The goal is not simply survival but developing thriving members who reach their full potential.

What is the Recovery Café model:

The Recovery Café model begins with the understanding that every human being is precious and worthy of love regardless of past trauma, mental and emotional anguish, addictive behaviors, or mistakes made. The model is a membership-based model requiring commitments that are held through loving accountability.

Everyone is a contributor in the model, which allows for mutually liberating relationships which cross socio-economic, racial, religious, gender, and other barriers that exist in the larger culture. By practicing radical hospitality, the model supports everyone wherever they are on their journey and encourages multiple pathways to recovery. From this place of deep knowing and deep loving, the model raises leaders from within its community to share their gifts and follow at the point of other gifts. This model provides support, resources, and a community of care along the entire continuum of a person’s need for recovery assist

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